Remembering Holy Week is like reminiscing the love our God had laid for us. The Father sacrificed His only begotten that we may be saved. Jesus laid his life for us for one thing - that he may redeem us from sins. Another is to bring us all to the kingdom of our Heavenly Father. I do believe that is not by crucifying themselves (like men who are crucified during Lenten Season) nor nailing their hands and doing penitentiary ways will save them from sins.
I remember the story of what the pharisees and the sadducees did with our Savior - they crucify Him because of blasphemy. They listened to the voice of the people who does not believed in Jesus - being our Savior and Redeemer. They scourge him and spit upon His face.
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How can a person be saved into heaven if he doesn't repent and forsake his sins and become like Jesus. One can become like our Savior by following the Lord's path meaning doing that which is good - for that which is good is of God. God is love that is why even until now, we are receiving God's grace and the same is lengthening our lives that we may do good.
Doing good in the sense that we have to be charitable with others. Help those who are in need without waiting in returns. Show good manners and be respectful at all times. Not greedy. Doing good can also mean sacrificing ourselves for the benefit of others. Uplift others and share our knowledge of the Lord without any grudge or being selfish. We do good without taking advantage of others after their own weaknesses.
We all have weaknesses that's why we may be tempted sometimes if not most of the time. Money can be the most reasons why we gave ourselves to many temptations. Nowadays, survival is the only thing that clings to everybody's mind. Without money we can't live anything in life that others are experiencing like the rich and famous. But the fact is, we should be aware that because of our basic needs, which makes us busy most of the time, can make us to forget God. Remember, It is God that gave all the things we need in life even our very own breath.
Now back to the love I mentioned, it can be a simple word but hard to give. The love of God is infinite and immeasurable. It is without end. It is behind all His sacrifices, for indeed, God wants us to be back in his presence full of glory and honor. God wants us to become like them as the prophet had said "being sons and daughters of God". We're made in the image of God, and as such we are the heirs of all things above and things below.
How can we become like God if we're astray from his commandments. If we're not doing the things commanded us to do and live. Simply, the way to become like God is believe in Him, be baptized in His name, repent of all our sins, living righteously, obey his commandment and endure to the end. The Savior is our perfect example who showed the right path for us to walk upon. He is the greatest gift to all of us.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believed in Him should have an everlasting life. In one scripture it says, "love worked no ill, therefore love is the fulfilling of the law". Will you hurt someone and say you love him? Will you be bad if you love your parents which is the second commandment. Speaking of commandments, we're all familiar with the ten commandments. The first is to love God above all things. Second to love your parents. It is said that because of these commandments, "hangs all the the laws and the prophets".
Love is the foundation of all things. Because of love, the world is created. Human being were created to have dominions over all the earth. Subdue all things according to the laws and commandments of God. Every living creature was created for the sake of mankind. That they may live in peace and harmony, man was commanded to become one, become Zion.
Love is an eternal principle. It is present in the Celestial Kingdom of the Father.
Love should be a solid foundation of each individual, every family, every society or whatever it be. We must be founded on love for without love, there can be no unity, happiness and peace in all the land. Enmity will abound, contentions will flourish until all will vanish away even all things. But there is love because God exist and everything is accorded to with love.
No one in this world can live without love. Each one deserve to be loved, nurture and cared for. Just imagine how the sower care for his plants. Every plants must be watered daily and cultivated each day enough to survive the day. Until one day it will grow, become strong and stand on its own - withstanding the strong and vigorous wind that will blow them away.
Love is the sweetest word a person can share to his fellow being. It's whisper is as strong that no one can think of evil of. It is a calm assurance that nobody can harm someone else at the expense of another. The warmest thought you can share with someone you love. It is enduring. Love is pure and undefiled.
Love can be the source of our strength and determination. We feel secured when there's love around. Love is the constant companion of hope and charity.
We earnestly seek of the pure love of God, it's freely given. He won't leave us behind. He is always there for us and we (being an instrument) should always be there for someone else. I'm happy that in spite of all the trials and sorrows in life, God is there. I remember a phrase from an old poem concerning mother and son which the mother told his son saying, "where a tender word is spoken, where a noble deed is done, where love is, God is there, for God is love my little one". It's true.
Love is the foundation of all things. Because of love, the world is created. Human being were created to have dominions over all the earth. Subdue all things according to the laws and commandments of God. Every living creature was created for the sake of mankind. That they may live in peace and harmony, man was commanded to become one, become Zion.
Love is an eternal principle. It is present in the Celestial Kingdom of the Father.
Love should be a solid foundation of each individual, every family, every society or whatever it be. We must be founded on love for without love, there can be no unity, happiness and peace in all the land. Enmity will abound, contentions will flourish until all will vanish away even all things. But there is love because God exist and everything is accorded to with love.
No one in this world can live without love. Each one deserve to be loved, nurture and cared for. Just imagine how the sower care for his plants. Every plants must be watered daily and cultivated each day enough to survive the day. Until one day it will grow, become strong and stand on its own - withstanding the strong and vigorous wind that will blow them away.
Love is the sweetest word a person can share to his fellow being. It's whisper is as strong that no one can think of evil of. It is a calm assurance that nobody can harm someone else at the expense of another. The warmest thought you can share with someone you love. It is enduring. Love is pure and undefiled.
Love can be the source of our strength and determination. We feel secured when there's love around. Love is the constant companion of hope and charity.
We earnestly seek of the pure love of God, it's freely given. He won't leave us behind. He is always there for us and we (being an instrument) should always be there for someone else. I'm happy that in spite of all the trials and sorrows in life, God is there. I remember a phrase from an old poem concerning mother and son which the mother told his son saying, "where a tender word is spoken, where a noble deed is done, where love is, God is there, for God is love my little one". It's true.
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