We heard some bad news around the world like earthquakes that hits Haiti
and Chile
as well and other things that made us fearful about our future.
We fear because we don't really know what lies ahead. We doesn't even know the mind and will of every mankind towards its surroundings. The mind of every politicians especially here in the Philippines
referring to some aspect governing our nation and our people. Especially this upcoming elections in our country, I'm worried about the much talked about computerized election which may or may not be materialized due to an emerging issue of electrical supply that would affect the automated election process. Cheating. Some aspiring officials are spending much money to get into the position that would placed them to protect and serve their own political will and self-interest.
We become tired and deaf of hearing from day to day the issue that comes from the newspapers, on television and in the internet.
As I arise this morning from bed, i figured out what would I do then. What will I do now? While in bed, I began to kneel and found myself praying for safety and assurance hoping that everything will be fine today. That I may be able to withstand the trials that will come upon me and my family. I'm Praying that I may be able to find answers to my problems and calm my troubled heart. Ease my mind from all the worries that hinders me from doing my job and responsibilities toward my family and work.
I humbly ask God to touch my heart, mind and soul and send me a blessing and a miracle. A miracle which will heal me from my physical illness that a physician could not do.
We know God performs miracle and read in the Old Testament how the Son of God healed the Lepers, the Lame, the blind and restore the life of a dead person and much more. I believed those things.
We know God is always there for us and never leave that He even leaved us one print of footsteps in the sand to show that He cares for us.
Let us pray to God for there is power in prayer
that anybody could not give. I'm not alone in this statement, anybody could attest to the power of prayer. If man only pray and humble down before Him, he can feel what I'm saying. It can turns away the hearts of men from pride and selfishness. When there's no one to talk to God is there. Let all our thoughts and intent be known to God and say anything that your mind can express to Him. You can find refuge in GOD.
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