I hope so! But, I'm not sure about it. My wife greeted me yesterday a happy birthday. Then today, my mother did prepare something for me and and greeted me, too! Well, I'm not really used to having a birthday celebration and all I want is just a simple one with or without it. But, of course, I'm thankful for what they did for me!
Whenever my natal day is coming each year, I usually had to recall my early days and compared them with my life today. I don't feel old and hate getting old anyway! I want to stay young if possible. But, all of us will get a little older each year, becoming more mature and getting more serious in life. I have to face it! But life must not end in seriousness nor in happiness, it should be balanced.
What makes me realize then, whenever I had a recollection of my past, is that, I already have a life and family of my own. Those early moments in my life as a boy, a teen, and now, as an adult has brought me into a stage of maturity, more responsible and being independent. I learn from my childhood the importance of a family
, friends and company. I learn how to earn money when I was 9 years old because I came from a poor family and happy for our early beginnings in life. I learned how to be simple in life, in custom, in attitude and the importance of love and charity. Family
should be bounded in love and harmony. Should help one another and learn the most important thing, which is to love our parents.
I'm thankful for my parents for raising me in a very strict manner, full of discipline, becoming obedient, loving and the greatest of all, having fear in God.
Now that I'm 40, I hope and wish that God
will lengthen my life, and bless me spiritually and physically, maybe with another 40 years in life just like my parents; that I may be able to see what would befall us in the last days. To feel how good it is to be in the millenium
times and become a part of it. That I may be able see and feel for myself how good a life can be when peace and justice will be restored on earth.
I wish also that my wife and son will be more blessed, and my son will be able to achieve what I wanted him to be. I wish to be more patient, understanding and of sound-mind, for I don't want to be a burdensome one day to my family. When I'm old enough, I want to be more self-independent and spend my life in simplicity.